Retallades, augment de la matrícula als estudiants, però tranquils, sempre ens quedarà un raconet per un cap gegant.
It's a 3000-year-old carved head of Xtapolapocetl
The family eat dinner on TV dinner trays, watching the giant head do nothing.
Homer: "Save a guy's life, and what do you get? Nothing! Worse than nothing! Just a big scary rock."
Bart: "Hey, man, don't bad-mouth the head."
Marge: "Homer, it's the thought that counts. The moral of the story is a good deed is its own reward."
Bart: "Hey, wea reward. The head is cool."
Marge : "Then... I guess the moral is no good deed goes unrewarded."
Homer: "Wait a minute. If I hadn't written that nasty letter, we wouldn't've gotten anything."
Marge: " Well... Then I guess the moral is the squeaky wheel gets the grease."
Lisa: Perhaps there is no moral to this story.
cap sorpresa ens depara el futur que no hagi passat ja en els simpsons
Escollonant, XDD.
El Pons té raó: fins i tot em sembla que els de South Park van fer un capítol sobre la impossibilitat d'evitar els Simpsons ("The Simpsons already did it"?).
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