Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Similarly, while we find that mobility is typically greater for married women than for single women in all countries, the difference is greater in the US and the UK than in the Nordic countries
Marital Sorting, Household Labor Supply, and Intergenerational Earnings Mobility across Countries 
By Raaum, Oddbjørn, Bernt Bratsberg, Knut Røed, Eva Österbacka, Tor Eriksson, Markus Jäntti, and Robin A. Naylor 2007

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Balzac tenia raó: La veritable terra de les oportunitats

Settled as a penal colony, rapid social mobility was the inevitable during the early years. The richest ever Australian (measured relative to GDP) was Samuel Terry, a Manchester thief transported to Australia in 1801. At the time of his death in 1838, Terry had amassed a wealth equivalent to $24 billion in today’s dollars (Rubinstein 2004).

Intergenerational Mobility in Australia 
Andrew Leigh

Tuesday, March 05, 2013


Fent deures, entre un parell d'articles infumables, trobem un bonic "Zas, en toda la boca!".

 To govern is to choose, and government officials—whether elected or appointed—betray their obligations to the welfare of the people who hired them if they adopt a policy of happy ignorance and nonresponsibility for consequences. The article concludes with the judgment that the present danger is too much cost-benefit analysis, not too little. But I find it hard to believe, looking around the modern world, that its major problem is that it suffers from an excess of rationality. The world’s stock of ignorance is and will remain quite large enough without adding to it as a matter of deliberate policy.

PD: Que no s'interpreti com una apologia cega a l'anàlisi cost benefici.

PPD: Que el comentari anterior no s'interpreti com una denúncia a l'esmentada eina d'anàlisi. Més, sobre el tema.